Asbestos was a commonly used as a construction material back in the 20th century until its banning in 1999. This naturally occurring silicate mineral was used for its properties which include insulation, fire resistance and corrosion resistance. After links were established between this compound and a variety of lung diseases including lung cancer asbestos has been banned from use. However, some homes and buildings still feature the compound and many people have been removing it to reduce chances of exposure. Since the compound is potentially very harmful, its removal is only approved for professional experts of Pro Asbestos Removal Brisbane who have the right procedures and equipment. There are many companies that specialize in removing asbestos from homes and buildings. Here is a description of the risks, when to remove asbestos and what to expect from an asbestos removal company – guide for Brisbane families.

Negative impacts of asbestos
The use of asbestos can be traced back to 3000 years ago although it became very popular in the 1900s. It is known for its crystal nature and it also produces a dust that contains asbestos fibers. When inhaled, this dust has the potential to cause various pulmonary and lung illnesses. What’s concerning is that the illnesses may take a while to surface and those exposed may not realize its symptoms until very late. Some of the diseases that have been linked with asbestos exposure include;
- Asbestosis – This is an inflammatory condition that affects the lungs and causes shortness of breath. It also causes coughing and may lead to lung scarring which makes it very difficult to breath.
- Mesothelioma – This is a rare type of cancer affecting lung linings, chest cavities and sometimes the abdomen.
- Lung problems – These are a group of diseases and conditions that affect the lungs and include pleural plaques, pleural effusion and fluid collection on chest and lung cavities
Inhaling or exposure to asbestos has also been linked to other cancers that affect the kidney, gut, gallbladder, voice box and brain among others.
When to remove asbestos

What to expect from removers
Since the banning of asbestos, many removing companies have emerged to facilitate the elimination of this lethal compound from our homes. There are a few things to consider when looking for an asbestos removal company as well as services to expect from them. Some companies are less professional and their capacity to effectively remove all asbestos compounds from your home may be dented. To find the best removal company, reliability, professionalism, capacity, experience, customer service quality, reputation, credibility and affordability are only the basic considerations. Some of the things to expect from a professional and experienced asbestos removal company include the following;
- Licensing – Always ensure the company is licensed to offer their removal services in Brisbane. This is a kind of guarantee that they are professionals.
- Tools and equipment – The company must have sufficient, effective and recommended asbestos removal tools as well as protective garment. It is always recommended that people leave the building during removal although this may not be possible at times. Protective garments may therefore be provided to those who are in close or surrounding rooms.
- Test and assessment – When the professionals first arrive at your building, they will conduct an assessment of the house to determine whether existing asbestos should be removed or left alone. As aforementioned, some asbestos are best if just sealed and left to be rather than tampering with them since they do not pose immediate danger.
- Quote – This is of course a basic expectation. Expect a quote detailing all the services and their rates. The quote can be issued before of after assessment as desired. Request the quote earlier and compare different companies to effectively plan your budget.
- Preparation and evacuation – After it has been determined that the asbestos or ACM should be removed, the building will be prepared. This involves evacuating inhabitants and covering property. Asbestos dust may settle on other surfaces including chairs, hallways and in-house items if not keenly removed. This would be very dangerous when people are later exposed. Preparation of the removal scene is therefore important since it ensures the asbestos compound does not escape and settle on other surfaces. This dust must always be contained otherwise the risk of exposure to everyone living under the building can greatly increase.
- Reconstruction and sealing – After removing the compound, the removal company then repairs the damages made on the surface and seals it to prevent any dusts trapped in inside crevices from ever getting out.
There are other minor things to expect. However, every procedure should be aimed at containing the asbestos dust and preventing exposure with all efforts.
Asbestos removal can help save you a myriad of lung diseases and complications. However, it is important to note that not all asbestos have immediate cause for danger. You should always contract a licensed professional to prevent the risk of exposure. With that said, there are many companies offering this removal in Queensland Australia and finding an expert should not be daunting.
Check the info,if you need to know about Asbestos Information
Had no idea asbestos could cause all of these negative side effects. I'll have to make sure there isn't any asbestos in the home I just moved into. It is a very old home, so I think asbestos might have been used in its construction. Thank you for making me aware of the negative things that asbestos can do.
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